Creating a Dashboard

Now that you have created your KPIs it is time to build out your dashboard. Click the New button on the NetCharts Performance Dashboard tool bar.

The New Dashboard panel will be presented. Enter Sales 2008 for the Dashboard Name.
Click Finish to move to the Edit Dashboard panel.

Adding KPIs to a page

Now that we have the Edit Dashboard panel open we can begin adding KPI’s to our dashboard page.

From the panel you can rename your dashboard by entering a new name into the Set Dashboard Name edit box. Check the Set as Default box. This will make this dashboard the default page when you log into NetCharts Performance Dashboards.
Next set the Narrow Column(s):‘s width to 500 and the Wide Column:‘s width to 600, under theAlter Dashboard Column Sizes section.
In the Add Dashboard Content section, click the Select KPI from KPI Collection button.
Under the KPI Collection confirm that Sales is selected by clicking it.
We will add four KPIs to our dashboard. Under the KPI Type click the following to setup the types:

  1. Multiple Measures, No Dimension once
  2. One Measure, One Dimension twice
  3. Multiple Measure, One Dimension once

Next we want to add a user input area to the dashboard. So, click the Back button to the Add Dashboard Content section. Then, click the Add Annotation button.
Your Alter Dashboard Layout section should now look as follows:

Rearranging KPIs on a page

The columns and boxes in the Alter Dashboard Layout section represent the KPIs as they will appear on the finished dashboard page. From here the boxes can be rearranged. In the following step you will rearrange the KPIs.

  1. Click and drag the Annotation KPI from the bottom of the left column to the top of the left column.
  2. Click and drag the Sales One Measure, One Dimension KPI from the bottom of the left column
    to the top of the right column.
  3. Click and drag the Sales Multiple Measure, one Dimension KPI from the bottom of the right
    column to the bottom of the left column.

    HINT: It may be necessary to drag this KPI to the middle of the left column, and then reposition the Sales One Measure, No Dimension KPI above it

At this point we’re done rearranging the KPIs.

Renaming the KPIs

The names of the KPIs can be altered by simply double clicking on the KPI box. Doing this will replace the text in the box. You can then rename the KPI to be more descriptive. In the following step you will rename the KPIs to be more descriptive for the data.

  1. In the left column, rename Annotation to Sales Dashboard
  2. In the left column, rename Sales Multiple Measures, No Dimension to What are total sales?
  3. In the left column, rename Sales Multiple Measure, One Dimension to Who are top customers?
  4. In the right column, rename the upper Sales One Measure, One Dimension to How are sales trending?
  5. In the right column, rename the lower Sales One Measure, One Dimension to Where are sales occurring?

When you have completed renaming the KPI your Edit Dashboard panel will look as follows:

Next click the Finish button to view the Sales 2008 dashboard you configured in its initial default form.
Next you will customize each KPI panel.