Where can I download NetCharts Designer?
You can download a fully functional evaluation copy of NetCharts Designer here: https://visualmining.com/try-ncd/
Where do I go to get the authorization key in NetCharts Designer?
Here’s how to get the Authorization Key once you have installed NetCharts Designer:
1. In NetCharts Designer, select the “Help” -> “About NetCharts Designer” -> “License Details” menu item.
2. Highlight and copy the Authorization Key.
3. Paste the Authorization Key into an email with the subject NetCharts Designer License Request and send to Customer Support.
I tried to launch NetCharts Designer but get this error: …\workspace\.metadata\.lock (Access Denied)
If you are running NetCharts Designer on Windows 7 or later, when you run the program, right-click the icon and select “Run as administrator”. When NetCharts Designer runs it will need to edit files within the installation folder. Since NetCharts Designer is installed by default within the %programfiles% folder, this requires proper privileges. To prevent needing to right-click each time, right-click the icon and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, Select the “Compatibility” tab and check the “Always run as administrator..” box.
I found a cool Process Module in the Knowledge Base, how do I import it into NetCharts Designer?
Process Modules are code modules that process a data set and parameters to produce a resultant data set. Each module can create or modify the data set during processing and run as a configurable chain of modules after the data is retrieved from the database and before the data is bound to the charts/tables/menus/ etc. Process Modules are packaged as deployable JAR files. To use a Process Module, the JAR file containing the modules must to be imported into NetCharts Designer. The import only needs occur once to make the module available for all dashboard projects.
– Select the File->Import menu item.
– In the dialog that appears, expand the NetCharts Designer node, select the Process Modules item and press the Next > button.
– Use the Browse button to locate and select the JAR file to add to the list.
– Once the JAR file(s) have been selected, click the Finish button to import the Process Module(s). A dialog will appear indicating that you have successfully completed the import and will list the modules installed. At this point you need to restart NetCharts Designer.
Can I run different versions of NetCharts Designer on the same machine?
It is possible to run multiple versions of NetCharts Designer on the same system. Unless additional licenses has been purchased, running multiple instances of NetCharts Designer on the same system is only allowed for migration or upgrade purposes. This includes running both versions to verify the migration of content and performance while upgrading to a later release. Once the migration has been completed, the older NetCharts Designer instance must be uninstalled. It is recommended to start the older version of NetCharts Designer before starting the more recent release. Once the upgrade has been confirmed, uninstall the older NetCharts Designer instance.
When I upgrade to the latest version of NetCharts Designer, how can I migrate my old projects and settings?
When you perform the installation of the later version, allow the installer to migrate your projects, JAR files and other settings from the old installation. During the last step of the installation process, you’ll see the option to have the installer import your settings from your existing installation to the new instance.