Not A Good Idea: While using Analogous colors that sit next to each other look nice, colors used this way are not very functional. For example, it’s nearly impossible to identify a specific color of a label shown. If using a Legend, how do you easily identify which Label matches which slice?
Good and Not So Good Ideas of chart design – Complementary Colors
Not A Good Idea: While using Analogous colors that sit next to each other look nice, colors used this way are not very functional. For example, it’s nearly impossible to identify a specific color of a label shown. If using a Legend, how do you easily identify which Label matches which slice?
- Author:
- Visual Mining
- Date:
- November 3, 2014
- Category:
- Color Principles, Design Approaches
With color harmony in mind and using just a simple chart you can put more emphasis on the data shown. Using colors, you could help the viewer to distinguish the information easier as well as guide their eye to a certain area of a chart that you want to focus on.
Analogous or Complementary colors?
With color harmony in mind and using just a simple chart you can put more emphasis on the data shown. Using colors, you could help the viewer to distinguish the information easier as well as guide their eye to a certain area of a chart that you want to focus on.
- Author:
- Visual Mining
- Date:
- October 2, 2013
- Category:
- Color Principles
Sometimes it’s hard to find that one particular color or set of colors that fit just right. You may also want to try other colors than the defaults.
Colors and more colors
Sometimes it’s hard to find that one particular color or set of colors that fit just right. You may also want to try other colors than the defaults.
- Author:
- Visual Mining
- Date:
- August 1, 2013
- Category:
- Chart Polish, Color Principles