Publishing Dashboards
NOTE: This part of the tutorial is not applicable for the Desktop and Excel versions of NetCharts Performance Dashboards.
To publish your dashboard so others may view or use it, you must first make sure users are defined in the system. Users of the system are defined using either your existing Windows Active Directoryor by adding users to the users.xml file stored in the NetCharts Performance Dashboards. How NetCharts Performance Dashboards identifies users was specified when it was installed.
To begin adding users to the system click the Administration button atop the dashboard and select Users and Profiles from the drop down menu.
On the User Administration screen confirm the default option, Grant system access to any authenticated user, is checked and click the Add User/Group button.
The Add User/Group panel will display with the list of users that can be added to NetCharts Performance Dashboards. Check the box to select the users to grant access to NetCharts Performance Dashboards.
Click the OK button.
Click Finish to save and return to the dashboard. Next click the Manage button, , atop the dashboard to enter the Manage Dashboards panel.
Drag your Sales 2008 dashboard from the My Dashboards list on the left to the Shared Dashboards list on the right.
Select your Sales 2008 dashboard in the Shared Dashboards list and click the pencil icon, , to control access permission to the dashboard.
The Security panel is displayed and from the drop down, next to Access Mode, select All from list to allow all authenticated users access to view the dashboard.
Click the OK button, and click the Finish button.
At this point, a copy of the dashboard you created has been shared with all users who can authenticate to NetCharts Performance Dashboards. This capability will allow you and others to create, collaborate and share dashboards.
You have completed the NetCharts Performance Dashboards tutorial. You can now begin using what you have learned to build and share your own dashboards. If you need help, remember the on line Help system within NetCharts Performance Dashboards. In addition, you can always return to the tutorial to refresh your knowledge.