Label Parameters
Label definitions are used extensively throughout NetCharts in order
to display titles, legends, axis tics, data labels, etc. The following
label parameters are supported by one or more of the charts:
DwellLabel = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment, External Justification);
Header = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment, External Alignment, Extend);
Footer = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment, External Alignment, Extend);
LeftTitle = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment, External Alignment, Extend);
RightTitle = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment, External Alignment, Extend);
Legend = ("Label", Color, "FontName", FontSize, Angle, Alignment);
All of the attributes are optional. If they are not specified, default
values will be used, depending on the specific parameter being defined.
The attributes are interpreted as follows:
The given string
is used as the value of the label being displayed. If the
string contains the "\n" (newline) character than
the label will be displayed on multiple lines.
Color |
color of the font used for the label. |
FontName |
The font to be used for
the label. The exact list of font styles is platform dependent,
but the following font styles are guaranteed to be available
for any Java implementation: |
Java font |
X-11 font |
Windows Font |
default |
misc-fixed |
Arial |
Helvetica |
adobe-helvetica |
Arial |
TimesRoman |
adobe-times |
Times New Roman |
Courier |
adobe-courier |
Courier New |
Dialog |
b&h-lucida |
MS Sans Serif |
Font names can be augmented with additional font style information. Adding "Plain" ,"Bold"
or "Italic" to the font name modifies the style as specified. For example "Courier Bold Italic"
is a valid font name specification. By default NetCharts chooses a BOLD style for the specified
font so "TimesRoman" is equivalent to "TimesRoman Bold". To get a standard version of a font,
add "Plain" to the name.
Font names can also be augmented with "underline", "overline", "linethrough", "ascent=N",
"descent=N", "leading=N" and "maxLineAdvance=N".
Any combination of style modifiers is allowed. For example
"TimesRoman Plain Italic underline overline linethrough ascent=10 descent=0 leading=-15"
is a valid font specification which uses a nonbold italic type, draws a line above, below
and through the text, and controls the amount of space allocated for character ascents, descents
and the space between consecutive lines.
maxLineAdvance specifies the maximum length (in pixels) NetCharts will allow a string using this font specification to be
before it wraps to a new line.
FontSize |
This attribute defines the point
size of the font. The available values depend on the font style
defined and the platform. |
Angle |
This attribute defines
the angle of rotation (in degrees) for the entire label, see
the example below. If a nonzero value is specified, the label
will be rotated counterclockwise by that many degrees before
being rendered. |
Alignment |
This attribute defines
how the text of the label will be aligned or justified. |
LEFT - Align the text to the left within the text area. |
CENTER - Center the text within the text area. |
RIGHT - Align the text to the right within the text area. |
External Alignment |
This attribute defines
how the label will be aligned versus other chart objects. |
LEFT - Align the label to the left versus other chart objects or the axis. |
CENTER - Center the label versus other chart objects or the axis. |
RIGHT - Align the label to the right versus other chart objects or the axis. |
TOP - Align the label to the top versus other chart objects or the axis. |
BOTTOM - Align the label to the bottom versus other chart objects or the axis. |
Extend |
This attribute allows title backgrounds to extend the entire
length or height of the chart. Legal values are ON or OFF. The default value is OFF. |
TitleSpacing = number;
TitleSpacing is specified in pixels and defines the amount of space between an extended title and the border of the chart.
The default value is 5. A value of 0 will allow the title background to extend to the border of the chart. The parameter is only relevant when a title
has its extend attribute set ON.
NetCharts can draw text rotated to any angle. The chart example
below rotates the bottom tics at a 45 degree angle and uses the
following parameter syntax:
BottomTics = ("ON",black,"Helvetica",9,45);
The text of a label or labels themselves can be aligned. The chart example
below shows the bottom axis title externally aligned to the left, the left
axis title externally aligned to the top with the text aligned to the left and
the right axis title externally aligned to the bottom with the text aligned
to the right. These were done using the following parameter syntax:
RightAxisTitle = ("RIGHT AXIS\nTITLE", black, "Arial Plain", 10, 0, RIGHT, BOTTOM);
BottomAxisTitle = ("BOTTOM AXIS\nTITLE", black, "Arial Plain", 10, 0, null, LEFT);
TopAxisTitle = ("TOP AXIS\nTITLE", black, "Arial Plain", 10, 0, null, CENTER);
LeftAxisTitle = ("LEFT AXIS\nTITLE", black, "Arial Plain", 10, 0, LEFT, TOP);